Updated on March 19, 2024

What Kind of Books Do I Review?
I am open to review requests but please read the following information:
Since I have been blogging since 2011, I feel like I know:
- what books I will like
- what books my audience generally likes (we do sometimes disagree which makes things fun!)
On Jen Ryland Reviews, I primarily review mysteries, thrillers, and book club selections.
On my sister site, YA All Day, I review:
YA and adult books that appeal to a crossover YA audience, including romance, mystery, realistic fiction and a smattering of fantasy.
I will have a sense of which site a book belongs on (though there is some overlap.)
I am open to traditionally published books and am happy to review books from small “indie” publishers.
What Kinds of Books Do I NOT Review?
I DO NOT review memoirs, non-fiction, middle grade or children’s books, so please do not contact me about those. I rarely read and review historical fiction, science-fiction, horror, or political thrillers, but I do make exceptions.
For instance, this book was tech-y but for a mainstream audience.
This book veered toward horror but wasn’t full-on horror.
This political thriller was very domestic-fiction adjacent.
This book was historical fiction but also had mystery elements.
If you have read all this, thank you. Please feel free to email me if you think your book fits into any of these categories. I try to answer all emails and if I don’t think your book is a good fit for my audience, there are many other wonderful reviewers out there!
What Kinds of Books Do I Request for Review?
Back in the day, I had to read EVERYTHING. Now, I request fewer books and try to make sure they are books that I genuinely think I’ll enjoy.
New 2018 Policy on Own Voices ARCs
After listening to and thinking about the viewpoints and opinions of a number of “Own Voices” writers and reviewers, I am (as of March 2018) carefully considering which ARCs I should request.
ARCs are limited, so my new policy is to request fewer Own Voices books so that queer reviewers and reviewers of color have a better chance of receiving a review copy and having their reviews read and their opinions heard.
Going forward, my overall goal will be to buy and read these books on my own time. Some of those books will be featured on my Goodreads account. Other reviewers may decide differently – but this is where my thoughts are at present.
I am also making an effort to promote underrepresented authors in the Mystery and Thriller categories, so check out these great lists:

Mysteries and Thrillers by Latine and Hispanic Authors

Mysteries and Thrillers by Black Women Authors