Last updated on March 25, 2024
Ethics and Integrity on Jen Ryland Reviews
I have been a member of the book blogging community since 2011 and have always adhered to the highest ethical standards required and upheld by the book reviewing and promotion community.
Who writes my reviews?
I write 100% of them. I am committed to providing honest reviews for other readers and clear and transparent information about any consideration I receive.
My content (aside from publisher book blurbs) is always 100% original and created and edited by me.
Where do I get books for my reviews?
I purchase many books and get others from my local library.
As a respected member of the book community for 13 years, I am lucky enough to be offered ARCs (advance, pre-publication copies of books) in exchange for an optional and honest review.
ARC distribution is a longtime and standard publishing industry practice that helps books get crucial exposure prior to release. Publishers and authors can NOT pay ARC reviewers.
I follow all FTC (Federal Trade Commission) rules found in Guide 508, found here.
If I receive a book in exchange for an honest review, I will state that at the top of my review.
If there is no FTC disclosure, that means I bought the book or checked it out of my amazing local library.
Does receiving free books affect my objectivity?
Definitely not. Receiving ARCs from publishers puts me at an even HIGHER level of ethical responsibility. This is because of the FTC rules I have to follow. These include a) having read the book I am reviewing and b) being honest in my reviews.
Plus, I’m a New Yorker who tells it like I see it.
Finally, I read hundreds of books a year. I typically don’t remember where I got a book when I sit down to read it. As part of my review process, I check my records to see what my disclosure responsibility is for each title.
Do I write “negative” reviews?
I request books I think I (and my blog readers) will enjoy and review 90% of the books I request.
If I don’t finish a book or don’t think it is a good fit for my website audience, I notify the publisher that I will not be reviewing it. As stated above, publishing reviews is at my discretion.
Saying I LOVE every book I read is neither honest nor helpful to you, the reader.
I believe in fair, balanced, and critical reviews. I try to accurately describe aspects of a book (like pace, character development, and content) that I know are important to my readers.
I don’t believe that purely negative reviews (ones that say a book is terrible) are helpful either. In my reviews I explain what didn’t work for me. Just because I didn’t like a book does not mean you will not.
As a professional and ethical reviewer, my first duty of loyalty and honesty is to myself and to you, my reader!
Jen Ryland LLC Comment Policy
I LOVE comments and read and appreciate each one!
Having different opinions about books is completely normal. I want you to express your point of view in my very active comment section. I welcome all opinions as long as they are respectfully expressed and relevant to the book.
Due to many spam links submitted, I no longer allow links in comments UNLESS they link to something relevant to the book, like an author interview or movie news.
Promotional Content, Affiliate Programs, and Ads
Jen Ryland Reviews does not publish any paid promotional content from publishers or authors.
Because payment for reviews is unethical, as described above, I have decided not to include both reviews and paid promotional content on my site. I do not work with independent blog tour companies.
I am an Amazon Affiliate (my Storefront is here). This means that if you visit my Amazon storefront and make a purchase, I receive a very small percentage of that purchase.
In addition, I am also a Affiliate (my storefront is here). I encourage you to support them and independent bookstores, as I do in my personal life!
I am a member of an ad network, which funds the expenses of running this website at NO cost to you. After careful consideration, I feel this is the best way to maintain my editorial independence while still covering my costs and earning a part-time salary.
I strive to keep ads as minimal as possible. If you see any ads you feel are intrusive or inappropriate, please email me at the address below. See more about ads in my Privacy Policy.
Questions? Please contact me at